The Things of Man

The Things of Man

The Things of Man
By Vince Wheeler
Published by The Marion/Manville Press

Brad Manford—a successful attorney, and loving husband and father—has a dire secret: He used to be someone else. And his memories of that former life? Gone. Replaced, inexplicably, by false recollections from a life he never lived. Who, really, is Brad Manford? And what was he doing during those forgotten years? Through a frightening journey of surreal self-discovery, Brad learns an unspeakable truth about not only himself, but the entire world around him.

Praise for The Things of Man:

"A surprisingly captivating novel . . . mixing general fiction with science fiction in an unexpected and wonderful way."
–Portland Book Review

"Hints of Stephen King . . . The Twilight Zone."
–Seattle Book Review

The Things of Man is available on Amazon in both print and Kindle versions.

304 pages | August 31, 2016